The Intersection of Faith & Finance
For those who have made the decision to follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, one of the central tenants of their walk is the concept of Stewardship. While a holistic understanding of stewardship entails more than just how the Christian handles money, finances are a large component of stewardship.
Tom has led many workshops over the years on Stewardship, in many local churches. As a regular part of his practice, Tom routinely introduces those clients so inclined, to the concept of Biblically based investing and makes them aware of investment opportunities in that arena.
Tom offers his time and materials free of charge to any church that would have an interest in sponsoring this workshop for its members or as an outreach. As a graduate of Gordon College with a degree in Biblical Studies, 22 years as a financial advisor, and former president of the board of an international Christian non-profit development and humanitarian aid organization, Tom is uniquely qualified to speak to this issue.
If you think your church might have an interest, please contact us. Tom would be happy to talk more about it with you.